The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works in collaboration with the office of the Environment Commissioner informs that, within the framework of the "Earth Hour" campaign for 2023, all Public Passenger Transport will be provided free of charge on Saturday, 25 March 2023.
Counting already 16 successful years, "Earth Hour" is the largest global participatory campaign for the environment. According to the announcement of the Worldwide Fund for Nature "Citizens in more than 190 countries will turn these 60 minutes into millions of hours of action and awareness and turn the global spotlight on the twin dangers of nature loss and climate change."
As part of this global campaign, we invite the public to get to know and use our buses completely free of charge and thereby contribute to our own campaign to raise public awareness and foster environmental awareness.
It is emphasized that transfer will be provided free of charge throughout the day and all routes will be carried out with the schedule that is valid on Saturdays and Sundays and Public Holidays.
It is noted that on this day there will be no need to validate tickets on the buses!
FOR MORE INFORMATION: FREEPHONE 8000 5200, TEL. +357 23819090